Innovation starts in the head
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Company profile Wöhr GmbH
Innovation starts in the head
Since the setting up of our company in 1967 as industrial paint shop by Richard Wöhr, many companies from such fields as electronics, elec...
...trical engineering industry, medical and dental industry, mechanical and apparatus engineering as well as metal-, synthetic material- and cast-working industry have been trusting in our capability.
At the moment we have about 90 employees and export worldwide. As an owner-managed family business with decades of experience, we are a reliable and innovative partner. The whole enterprise operates with an effective, networking ERP-system. All departments in technics and administration have access to this system. The integration of a CAD/CAM-system allows to transfer 2D- und 3D-construction data online to the machines - this increases flexibility and eliminates fault sources.
All departments are working target-oriented, so that we can profit from synergy effects. The quality management system is certificated according to DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 13485 (medical) and DIN EN ISO 14001 (environment). The company's competence for innovation is reflected by a huge number of commercial trademark rights. The know-how we bring to your projects is not in textbooks, it is through our developed long-standing subject-specific activities and internalized. Therefore our know-how is more than a sum of separated skills and techniques.
Our product dedication as well as the high proportion of in-house production enable us to offer an express service (deli...
...very within shortest time) for all ranges.
We are actively involved in the developments in the conflict that exists between humans and technology.
In order to maintain and develop our operating efficiency, we invest in the modernisation of our production facilities and the training of our staff. Furthermore we are a verified training company for technical and commercial jobs.
As a successful family-run, owner-managed enterprise, we are committed to our location, maintain business values like credibility, trust and reliability, align our processes with the requirements of our customers and regard workforce as a competitive advantage and not as an expense.
Development, production and marketing in our locations in Höfen and Bad Wildbad offer you the targeted combination of the required know-how.
Development, surpassing the expectations we already had.
Production, having the neccesary manufacturing depth and production width at one's disposal and acting flexibly and demand-orientedly.
Marketing, listening to you very carefully and advising you competently.
All of this combined with decades of experience and the ability to bring these skills together at one ta...
...ble for project discussions in our company are highly effective prerequisites for the targeted realisation of your wishes. We are ready when the market asks for new solutions and are ready to meet the constantly growing demands of our customers. We contribute our enthusiasm and expertise to many industry-specific and interdisciplinary working groups and cross-border networks, e.g. SeniorPRO - Innovations for self-determined ageing.
In the selection of our longstanding and mostly contract-related suppliers we regard in addition to professional competences also their respectability and particularly pay attention to what becomes more and more important for our customers: no transferring of know-how but using the already existing knowledge!
Shortterm cost optimisation by outsourcing-projects combined with transfer of customer's drawings to produce carriers of tech...
...nology e.g. in Eastern European or Asian countries can't benefit to our customers and are rejected by us.
We take "Made in Germany" as a synonym of quality, technical know-how, responsability and innovation.
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